Recent Events

 The annual Burns Supper of the Society was held on Saturday 27th January at the Woodhall Hills Golf Club, Calverley.  The evening followed the traditional pattern of toasts, songs and poems by our National Bard. The event was chaired by the President,  Mr David Hannah.  This was the second time we have held the event at this venue and it again proved very successful.  Thanks go to Sharon Booth-Howie and the committee for attending to the arrangements.


The Society’s Annual Golf Outing and dinner was held at Shipley Golf Club on Wednesday 28th June 2023.   The event was well attended  with 8 members competing for the silver trophy and 20 members attending the dinner.

The weather was kind to us and the winner of the trophy was  Mr Peter Fleming.  

 The Society’s thanks are due to Mr Peter Fleming for undertaking the organisation of the event and liaising with the golf club.
