Date(s) - 04/06/2014
1:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Shipley Golf Club
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Our popular annual golf tournament and dinner will be held on 4th June at Shipley Golf Club. The competition is open to fully paid up Members of the Society and their guests and will take the form of a three-ball Stableford, playing full handicap – the lowest Club handicap applying. Playing groups will be arranged on the day. If you have a preference for playing partners this can be stated on the application form. The tee is reserved for us at 1.30pm prompt. Green fees for members and guests is £18.50.
Members are encouraged to invite guests to join us so please ask your friends. Guests will not be eligible to compete for the members trophy but there will be a prize for the winning visitor. For non-golfers there will be a Putting Competition commencing at 6.30pm.The cost will be £2 per player with the proceeds donated to charity. It is essential that only flat shoes or trainers are worn. Please bring putters with you if you have them.
Dinner for players, members and friends will be served at 7.30 p.m. for 8.00 p.m. An excellent menu is provided for £24 per person. The prize-giving will take place at the dinner.
Please do come along and enjoy the golf and/or the dinner afterwards. To book golf and/or dinner please follow the booking instructions contained in the recent e-mail from the Secretary, Sharon Booth-Howie or by contacting her at